Original Oil Paintings and Fresh Cut Flowers
Original Oil Paintings and Fresh Cut Flowers
A studio of creative proportions both indoors and out…..
The paint is spread thick across the rough cotton canvas… Original oil paintings unmask scenes from wild horses to lowing cattle; these unique pieces of fine art exemplify a feeling and mood Katie has been fruitlessly trying to put into words for well over a decade…
Unruly bramble vines and shriveling leaves create an unusual foundation to a lavish arrangement of pungent delicate blooms. The combination of rugged and beauty is so satisfying and romantic; as an untended garden left to its own devises to ramble and flourish…
"Help me, O Lord, lest my heart become proud;
For all of my talents by You are endowed;
Nothing I have can I claim as my own -
What mercy and grace in my life You have shown."
- D. De Haan
As an oil painter, I use both the brush and palette knife to recreate notable nostalgic scenes of domestic life and landscapes. My passionate style of natural realism portrays my subjects with correctness in structure and placement but vivacity in color, intense light, and heavy texture. Respectably, I must be clear; my oil painting’s are simply imitations of God’s perfect creation.
“Whatever you do, do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men.” - Colossians 3:23 -